This is a 10-hour self-paced course with modules representing key components of health promotion and disease prevention counseling for clinicians.

The purpose of this training is to provide information and techniques on how to assist and encourage patients in the Health Centers of UWS to make proactive changes to their behaviors.  The university provides a personal wellness profile  (PWP) as a tool that can be used to evaluate overall patient wellness and gather information on  areas of strength and needs for improvement in personal health and wellness behaviors.  

After completing this training, you will:

  • have an understanding of how multi-dimensional health and wellness screening and counseling is a key component of University of Western States' efforts to be a leader in conservative, preventative, lifestyle medicine
  • have an understanding of the key components of the PWP's summary sheet contents
  • have suggestions on how to evaluate your patient's readiness to change health behaviors
  • understand the 5 A's technique for modeling behavior change (which has proven efficacy with smoking cessation)
  • have seen examples of messaging that can be used to help patients improve or sustain their readiness to change
  • know where to access resources supporting balance in all dimensions of the health and wellness continuum